Valdobbiadene, together with nearby Conegliano, terredavino, is, by unanimous recognition, Prosecco’s cradle and matrix. Conegliano, with the Accademia degli Aspiranti in the 17th century and the Scuola Enologica (Oenology High School), in the 19th century, propelled a peaceful revolution that in the space of four hundred years has transformed the upper Treviso area farming world, of which Valdobbiadene is the cornerstone.

The song of the hills
From its spurs, the seething hills stir an endless expanse of vineyards, dotted with plain, ancient cottages. These slopes, of tectonic and glacial origin, conceal in their treasure chest a mineral complexity that is the result of the fusion of the seabed with the dolomite released by the primordial glaciations. Sun, wind, rain and agricultural skills complete the job.
In the beginning, back in the 1400s, 1500s, our ancestors painstakingly embroidered, blow after blow of hoe, the vines, transforming the hilly woodlands into landscape, where we still practise, with maniacal dedication, the art of the land where the heat of the sun becomes wine. A single, undulating stave unites the two towns, on which the farmers carve the music of time, creating, season after season, the song of the hills.
The sea and us

The Dolomites, Venice and us

Contact Us
We are at your disposal to provide you with information about our production process, the history of our wines, and to answer any other questions you may have.

Raising vines is our trade and the Riva is our workplace; our peasant workshop on a par with the Renaissance workshop where Humanism was born

Tano’s wine cellar has been transformed and now extends deep into the multicoloured magma of the Cartizze hill, above which rests the structure dedicated to hospitality

The wine from the grapes of our very steep vineyards expresses its full personality in the classic sparkling wine declinations. Up to the characteristics of the soils and the skills of the cellar